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Beauty > Eye Care > Contact lens

Contact lens

Caring for your contact lenses is important to the health of your eyes. Lenses start to feel uncomfortable when protein deposits form on the lens’ surface. These deposits, found naturally in the tear fluid of your eyes, accumulate on the lens over a period of weeks and months.

How to use contact lens

1. Washing your hands thoroughly with mild soap, then rinsing the hands well and drying with a lint free towel before handling the lenses. Your hands must be free of pollutants and foreign bodies at all times. Never use cold cream, cosmetics, face powder or lotions just before handling the lenses.

2. Always handle lenses with your fingertips. Keep fingernails short and well filed.

3. After removal, the lenses must be cleaned, rinsed, and disinfected well. The solutions used must be approved by the FDA and manufactured by reputable companies. Never compromise on quality, remember you must protect your eyes. Clean lenses immediately after you remove them from the eyes.

4. The lens care solution must be fresh not expired and follow carefully the chemical system of sterilization.

5. For rewetting lenses only use recommended solutions not saliva or any other alternative. Never lick your lens or use tap water.

6. Fix your routine and follow it carefully. Remove lens 1, clean, rinse, disinfect and then place in its chamber in the lens storage case. Then repeat procedure for lens 2.

7. Lenses should always be completely immersed in disinfecting solution when not in use. Never leave lenses exposed to dust or air.

8. Learn the correct method of storing lenses.

9. If recommended use a lubricating solution while the lenses are in use. This will give comfort.

10. If you experience stickiness, discomfort, or any other problem immediately consult your doctor and replace the lenses. No lens with bacterial or fungal growth should ever be worn.

11. It is safer to leave your contact lenses out at night and replace them in the morning. Always clean and disinfect your lenses each time with the recommended solutions.

12. Remove lenses if your eyes get red or painful, and consult a specialist.

13. Put your makeup on after inserting lenses. Never leave lenses without conservation solution. Never lend your lenses. Never wear lenses in swimming pools or jacuzzis.

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