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Beauty > Plastic surgery > Cosmetic Surgery > Cosmetic Surgery Critical Facts

9 Critical Facts You Should Know Before Committing to Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is now so common, it's almost commonplace. Cosmetic surgical procedures are used to correct everything from disfigurements that are the result of an accident to physical features that are perceived to be less than perfect. In some cases, cosmetic surgery can help to correct not only a physical trait but help to raise a person's self-esteem as well.

There are a number of different cosmetic surgery options. The most common cosmetic surgical procedures involve redefining some aspect of the body, while others involve enhancing the skin through a variety of measures. Liposuction is a very popular cosmetic surgery option. This procedure allows the physician to suction the fat off various portions of the body to reveal slimmer and trimmer physique.

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure in which the nose is reshaped. Some patients request this surgery because they perceive their nose to be either too big or an unattractive shape. In other cases, the procedure may be necessary to help a patient breathe better.

Implants is a term that is used frequently in regard to cosmetic surgery, however; besides it's obvious application to the breast area implants are also used to enhance other body parts. The chin and cheekbones are two areas where are implants are frequently used to redefine a patient's profile.

There are a variety of cosmetic surgery procedures that can be done to enhance the breast area. Implants are used frequently to increase a patient's bust size. While the subject of breast implants received much bad press several years ago due to the fact that silicone breast implants were proven to be unsafe, the products used today are considered to be much safer. Lifts are often necessary to correct breasts that sag and droop. Augmentation may be utilized in order to align the breasts so that they are the same size when there is a situation where one breast is smaller than the other.

While some patients wish to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to increase their bust size, others have a breast reduction in order to reduce their breast size. This is often necessary when a woman has very large breasts that may cause health issues such as back pain and strain on the neck and shoulders.

The cosmetic surgery frequently referred to as a tummy tuck is similar to liposuction in that it removes excess fat from the area around the stomach and waist. Patients who have lost significant amounts of weight may find it necessary to have this procedure performed as well as an arm lift or buttock/thigh lift. When an individual loses large amounts of weight, particularly at a rapid rate, the skin generally begins to sag and no amount of exercise is able to tone the sagging skin. These types of cosmetic surgical procedures can tighten the skin.

While there are a variety of cosmetic surgery options available today that can correct almost any skin or body problem, it is important for patients to have realistic expectations. First, some cosmetic surgeries will leave permanent scars. The prospective patient must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of having a permanent scar against living with the issue that drove them to consider surgery. Secondly, it is very important that the patient realize that cosmetic surgery does not produce overnight results. Some surgeries will not produce optimal results until at least a year after the surgery was performed. Finally, as with all surgeries, cosmetic surgery does come with inherent risks and dangers.   Bookmark   Astrology   Chat Room   Classifieds   Computer   Downloads   Directory   Dating   Domain Tools   Education   eCards   Finance   Forums   Freelance Work   Free Hosting   Free Mail   Gallery   Games   Guest Book   Greeting Cards   Ham Radio   Health   Home Business   Hosting Tutorials   Hosting Directory   India   Jobs   Jokes   Kerala   Matrimonial   Music   Movies   News   News Letter   Recipes   Real Estate   Search   SMS   Tourist Guide   Top 100 Sites   Vote Us   Yellow Pages   Arthunkal Church   Site Map  
