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Beauty > Face care > Facial cleanser

Clean Your Face With Ultra Botanicals Facial Cleanser

Women are chasing down ultra botanicals facial cleanser in droves. Women are pretty darn savvy when it comes to their skin and cosmetics, so they immediately recognized ultra botanicals as the healthiest facial cleanser on the market, with the papaya facial cleanser being their all time favorite.

A facial cleanser cleans the top layer of skin removing makeup, pore debris, and air pollutants that have attached themselves to the skin. It also removes dead skin cells and oil, leaving the skin with a healthy glow.

A well balanced, gentle cleanser that maintains the skins natural PH, is very important to women. Women insist on skin cleansers that not only clean their skin, but make their skin look healthier and younger. That's why the botanical facial cleansers have gained so much popularity. They are mild, they do not destroy the skins natural PH, and they replace important nutrients to the skin. After only a few weeks of use woman are seeing their skin look younger.

Just as their name indicates, these facial cleansers are made from natural products, rich in antioxidants including Vitamin C, and complete with anti aging properties. You will find ingredients such as aloe, coconut, jojoba, papaya, chamomile, orange blossom, yarrow, and even horsetail. No that's not the tail of a horse, but a very powerful antioxidant herb.

Because these botanical cleansers are so gentle, they can be used daily, both morning and night. Evening cleaning is especially important as your face has had an entire day of abuse. Your make up needs to be removed, you need to unclog your pores, and you need to remove the pollutants that you've been exposed to during your daily travels. To complete your facial cleansing you should add a botanical astringent which you should use after using your facial cleanser. You should also add a botanical scrub for exfoliating which you can use two or three times a week.

Botanical scrubs include ingredients such as apricot husks, while the astringents often include ingredients such as tea tree oil or green tea. These natural scrubs will gently remove dead skin and expose the fresh new layer of skin just waiting to reach the surface. The will help keep you skin both free of acne and bacteria which can cause acne.

So how do women really feel about botanical cleansers and related products. Aren't they like any other cleanser that's been on the market. A whole lot of hoopla, with basically the same results.

Women will emphatically tell you "no" botanical cleansers are different! They are gentler and more natural, and within two weeks you will not only feel the difference in your skin, you'll see a new healthy glow.

And here's the good news guys. There are full lines of botanical facial products available for men too. Those that have tried them are of the same opinion as the women. Now isn't that a first?

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