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Beauty > Plastic surgery > Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery procedures

Ear Surgery(Otoplasty)

Otoplasty is a common surgical procedure performed to "pin back" or correct protruding ears. The surgery can be performed on adults as well as on children usually over five years of age. It is often recommended at an early age to help alleviate teasing at school by other children. Many parents are unaware of the severe psychological trauma that may result from such harassmen.

The improvement from surgery is readily apparent, although the final result will not be evident for several weeks due to swelling and other natural changes that are a result of healing.

Swelling and bruising are normal, but usually disappear within a week or so. Patients usually return to full activity by the end of two weeks, although it is necessary to protect the ears from trauma or bending until healing is more complete. For this reason, a headband will often be recommended for a period of time after the surgery. Most patients are back to work or school in 1 to 2 days. Discomfort is mild and rarely is pain medication required.

  • Procedure: Set prominent ears back closer to the head, or reduce the size of large ears. Most often done on children between the ages of 4 and 14 years. (Occasionally covered by insurance.)
  • Length: 2 to 3 hours.
  • Anesthesia: Young children: usually general. Older children or adults: general or local, with sedation.
  • In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient.
  • Side Effects: Temporary throbbing, aching, swelling, redness, numbness.
  • Risks: Infection of cartilage. Excessive scarring. Blood clot that may need to be drained. Mismatched or artificial- looking ears. Recurrence of the protrusion, requiring repeat surgery.
  • Recovery: Back to work or school: 5 to 7 days. Strenuous activity, contact sports: 1 to 2 months.
  • Duration of Results: Usually permanent.
Eyelid Surgery

Cosmetic eyelid surgery is designed to improve the appearance of the individual by removing the excess fat, and wrinkled, droopy skin of the upper eyelids that can make you look tired and sad and eliminating the "bags" under the eyes. The patient must be thoroughly aware that each and every wrinkle and fold of the skin around the eyes cannot be removed.

The patient frequently asks HOW LONG THE EFFECTS OF THE OPERATION WILL LAST. It is impossible to estimate or guarantee any definite time, due to variation of skin type, wrinkles, age and the healing ability of the individual. The results of aesthetic eyelid surgery are long-lasting. Removal of fat is permanent and generally will not recur, except rare occasions.

One must accept the judgement of your plastic surgeon and realize that he will remove all the skin that can safely be removed to effect the most suitable result for your particular problem. It will be necessary for Dr. Sevinor to know if you were ever told by an Opthamologist that you have a condition called "dry eye" or if you ever have any other eye problems.

  • Procedure: Correct drooping upper eyelids and puffy bags below the eyes by removing excess fat, skin, and muscle. (Upper-eyelid surgery may be covered by insurance if used to correct visual field defects)
  • Length: 1 to 3 hours.
  • Anesthesia: Usually locally with sedation or general.
  • In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient.
  • Side Effects: Temporary discomfort, tightness of lids, swelling, bruising. Temporary dryness, burning, itching of eyes. Excessive tearing, sensitivity to light for first few weeks.
  • Risks: Temporary blurred or double vision. Infection, bleeding. Swelling at the corners of the eyelids. Dry eyes. Formation of whiteheads. Slight asymmetry in healing or scarring. Difficulty in closing eyes completely (rarely permanent). Pulling down of the lower lids (may require further surgery). Blindness (extremely rare).
  • Recovery: Reading: 2 or 3 days. Back to work: 7 to 10 days. Contact lenses: two weeks or more. Strenuous activities, alcohol: about 3 weeks. Bruising and swelling gone: several weeks.
  • Duration of Results: Several years. Sometimes permanent.

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The term rhytidectomy is derived from the Latin word rhytid, which means wrinkle, and ectomy which means removal of; thus, rhytidectomy is the removal of lax skin. These wrinkles can be related to age, heredity or environmental factors. Not everyone ages at the same rate. A great deal of the aging process relates to your tissues and what you do to care for them.

This is considered a major operative procedure. Like any extensive surgical procedure, operative incisions and complicated surgical stitching are required. Contrary to popular belief and despite some newspaper and magazine articles, this is NOT as simple as having your hair set or a facial. Also contrary to some non-medical reports, it is NOT possible to remove all the folds and eliminate all the wrinkles of the face, regardless of the treatment applied. You must accept the judgement of the plastic surgeon and realize that he will only remove the skin of the face that can be done safely and suitable for your particular facial contour. The face lift procedure is directed toward improvement and can not in any way guarantee that each and every wrinkle and fold of the skin will be removed. The type of skin and age of the patient are important factors in the final result.

The most common question in regard to a face lift is how long will it last? This is impossible to state, as there are many factors involved - the amount of skin removed; age and general condition of the patient; type of skin as well as it's condition and texture; amount of previous sun and wind exposure as well as healing ability. Skin aging continues after this operation, even though the excess skin and wrinkles have been removed. On rare occasions, a minor secondary procedure may be advisable. The operation does NOT stop the aging process.

  • Procedure: Improving sagging facial skin, jowls, and loose neck skin by removing excess fat, tightening muscles, redraping skin. Most often done on men and women over 40.
  • Length: Several hours.
  • Anesthesia: Local with sedation, or general.
  • In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient. Some patients may require short inpatient stay.
  • Side Effects: Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and tenderness of skin; tight feeling, dry skin. For men, permanent need to shave behind ears, where beard-growing skin is repositioned.
  • Risks: Injury to the nerves that control facial muscles or feeling (usually temporary but may be permanent). Infection, bleeding. Poor healing; excessive scarring. Asymmetry or change in hairline.
  • Recovery: Back to work: 10 to 14 days. More strenuous activity: 2 weeks or more. Bruising: 2 to 3 weeks. Must limit exposure to sun for several months.
  • Duration of Results: Usually 5 to 10 years.

Face Lift - Face Lift Without Surgery.....

Hair Replacement Surgery
  • Procedure: Fill in balding areas with a patient's own hair using a variety of techniques including scalp reduction, tissue expansion, strip grafts, scalp flaps, or clusters of punch grafts (plugs, miniplugs and microplugs). Works best on men with male pattern baldness after hair loss has stopped.
  • Length: 1 to 3 hours. Some techniques may require multiple procedures over 18 months or more.
  • Anesthesia: Usually local with sedation. Flaps and tissue expansion may be done with general anesthesia.
  • In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient.
  • Side Effects: Temporary achy, tight scalp. Unnatural look in early stages.
  • Risks: Unnatural look. Infection. Excessive scarring. Failure to "take." Loss of scalp tissue and/or transplanted hair.
  • Recovery: Back to work: usually 2 to 5 days. More strenuous activities: 10 days to 3 weeks. Final look: may be 18 months or more, depending on procedure.
  • Duration of Results: Permanent.

Laser Hair Removal - Laser Hair Removal: Hair Raising Experience.....

Laser Facial Resurfacing
  • Procedure: Smooth the face and smooth fine wrinkles using a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser device that treats layers of damaged skin. Softens lines around the eyes and mouth and minimizes facial scars and unevenly pigmented areas.
  • Length: A few minutes to 1 hour. May require more than 1 session.
  • Anesthesia: Local with sedation, or general.
  • In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient, unless combined with other surgical procedures that require hospitalization.
  • Side Effects: Temporary swelling, discomfort. Lightening of treated skin. Acute sun sensitivity. Increased sensitivity to makeup. Pinkness or redness in skin that may persist for up to 6 months.
  • Risks: Burns or injuries caused by laser heat. Scarring. Abnormal changes in skin color. Flare-up of viral infections ("cold sores") and other infections (rare).
  • Recovery: Back to work: 2 weeks. More strenuous activities: 4-6 weeks. Complete fading of redness: 6 months or less. Return of pigmentation/light sun exposure: 6-12 months.
  • Duration of Results: Long-lasting, but does not stop aging. New wrinkles, expression lines may form as skin ages.

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