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Beauty > Feet Care Tips

Feet Care Tips

Try these Feet Care Tips and beauty secrets:

Without doubt, your feet are the most active part of your body, even more than your hands. In fact most of the time they are definitely overworked. A pedicure once a month is not enough. You need to take care almost on a daily basis. Most of the foot problems are caused because of neglect and almost no maintenance of your feet. You must pamper your feet once in a while and give them special treatment and also care for them every day. Following tips will help you to take care of your feet.

* Scrub your feet with a foot scrubber as it removes the dry cells. Then, apply moisturizer generously.

* Apply foot cream before going to bed, to avoid cracked heels.

* Avoid wearing high heels as they put pressure on the feet. Ill-fitting shoes or weakened arches may cause corns and calluses. Hence selection of proper shoes is essential. If at all you suffer from corns and calluses, use corn remover pads and ointments, after consulting your physician.

* To prevent foot odor, use odor-control products that comprise of foot powders, foot sprays and specially designed insoles. These keep the feet dry and fresh as well as prevent foot odor.

* Shoe-bite is a common complaint, so to avoid them. Use heel grips and cushions and also 'air pillow', which provide cushioning comfort while relieving pressure on heel

* For daily use, wear shoes of adequate width, comfortable instep and plenty of wiggle room for toes. Reserve high heels and tight shoes for short-term wear. Heel tight should generally be restricted to no more than 2 ½ inches and the heel should be broad enough to support the wearer's weight.

* Change socks or tights daily and don't wear the same shoes daily, which you use for running - give them a day or to dry out properly as feet sweat a lot.

* You can use the hot 'n' cold treatment, which improves the blood circulation of your feet. First dip you feet in hot water and then dip it in cold water. Do this for 20 minutes.

* Alternatively add a shampoo to warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes. This will also improve the texture of the toenails.

* For cracked heels mix a few drops of lemon juice in Vaseline and apply gently on cracked heels.

* Scrub heels with pumice stone while bathing and then apply a rich moisturising cream.

* Use a good hand and body lotion on your feet too.

* Mix a few drops of lemon juice in vaseline and apply gently on cracked heels.

* After bath, apply almond oil to the feet and massage until all the oil has been soaked up. Do it for a month for best results.

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