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Beauty > Lips Care

Lips Care

Lips are wonderful things, they help us to eat, talk, smile, and look angry along with all other facial expression.

How to keep lips beautiful

The elements

The best thing you can do is to stock up on lip balm that has a high protective sunscreen, and not just only in summer, but in winter also. During summer there is the problem of increased burning, and you may not know it, but winter can be more damaging to your lips than summer. As most of us know, due to our damaged ozone layer, the sun is strong throughout the whole year. So winter is no exception, and to add to this because of the dry air in winter, your lips are more likely to become dehydrated, and if you live in areas of snow, the light reflecting off the snow is worse for your lips than the summer sun.


Although winter is drying to lips due to the dry atmosphere, licking them will only make them drier. Unfortunately it is an unconscious habit, but every time you lick, the saliva that you put on them evaporates, and with that evaporation goes the natural moisture that your lips produce. The end result is that your lips will become drier and drier.


Biting or otherwise known as chewing, is just as bad as licking- if not worse. Biting is a habit, and one, if you want healthy lips, you should try breaking. Biting also dries out your lips, along with taking off small amounts the little skin that already exist there. If you can't break the habit of chewing them, then at least apply lip balm more frequently, as this will help to protect them to some degree.

Other tips for healthy lips

Your lips will reflect the health of your body. Applay following tips for getting smooth and beautiful lips

*Apply the 1 Teaspoon of lemon juice and rosewater for avoiding black colour of lips.

*Massage your lips with beetroot juice for soft and rosy lips.

*Rose Water is a good moisturize, applay it before going to bed.

*Drink lots of water. The lips are an excellent indicator of dehydration as well as anemia. Not looking red and rosy? Check your iron intake.

*Eat lots of fruit and vegies, these will increase your vitamin intake, which adds to the help of your skin, including your lips.

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