Beauty > Eye Care > Eye care tips
Eye care tips
1. Take plenty of green vegetables, tomatoes, carrots and a glass of milk everyday.
2. Relax your eyes between long working hours.
3. Wash your eyes gently with plenty of water.
4. Always read under proper illumination & proper body posture.
5. When working on a Computer, keep correct distance from computer peripherals, maintain proper body posture and observe breaks in between.
6. If you find difficulty in reading, or have refractive error, use Glasses.
7. Use eye drops only as prescribed especially for you. Do not copy others medicine.
8. Wear Sunglasses and Broad-Brimmed Hats in Bright Sunlight.
9. Many contact lens wearers don’t realize that bad hygiene can lead to some very scary and, in fact, blinding complications caused by spread of bacterial infection into delicate structures of your eye, including the optic nerve essential for sight.
10. Wear Appropriate Safety Glasses or Other Eye Protection for Work or Play.
11. Smoking is an underlying factor in the development of serious eye diseases including macular degeneration and glaucoma.