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Beauty > Nail care > Nutritional Steps to Healthy Nails

Nutritional Steps to Healthy Nails

What you eat will reflect on the health of your nails, too.

  • Lack of vitamin A and calcium causes dryness and brittleness.

  • Lack of protein, folic acid and vitamin C causes hang nails.

  • White bands across the nails are caused by protein deficiency.

  • A lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid can cause splitting nails.

  • Insufficient intake or vitamin B12 can lead to excessive dryness, very rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails.

  • Insufficient zinc can cause development of white spots on the nails.

  • Cuts and cracks in the nails may indicate a need for more liquids.

  • Red skin around your cuticles can be caused by poor metabolism of essential fatty acids.

Here are the guidelines to follow for improving the health of your nails:

  • Eat a diet composed of 50% fruit and raw vegetables in order to supply necessary vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Eat foods rich in sulfur and silicon, such as broccoli, fish and onions. Include foods rich in biotin such as soy, brewer’s yeast and whole grains.

  • Drink plenty of water and other liquids.

  • You may supplement your diet with royal jelly, spirulina or kelp, which are rich in silica, zinc and B vitamins and help to strengthen your nails.

  • Drink fresh carrot juice daily, this is high in calcium and phosphorus and is excellent for strengthening nails.

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