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Beauty > Beauty Recipes > Lip Balm Recipes

Basic Lip Balm Recipe

* 1/2 ounce beeswax beads

* 4 ounces sweet almond oil

* 1 teaspoon colored jojoba beads

* 2 teaspoons essential oil


Put the 4 ounces of sweet almond oil in glass measuring cup, add beeswax beads and jojoba beads and melt in microwave. Stir with spoon. Let it cool for a few minutes, then add essential oil. Pour into lip balm jars.

Aloe Vera Lip Gloss Recipe

Homemade Recipe for lip gloss made with Aloe Vera that will leave your lips soft and moisturized.


* 1 tsp. Aloe Vera gel

* 1/2 tsp. coconut oil

* 1 tsp. petroleum jelly


Combine the ingredients in a small glass bowl until well mixed. Heat for about 2 minutes in the microwave. Stir and pour into a small container. Let cool completely before use.

Apricot Lip Balm

* 1 t Beeswax (5 ml)

* 1 t Apricot kernel oil (5 ml)

* 1 t Calendula oil (5 ml)

* Few drops essential oil of Lemon or orange

1. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler. Add the apricot and calendula oils, stirring constantly.

2. Remove the wax from the heat and continue stirring until it is partly cooled. Add the essential oils.

3. Store in a small glass jar.

Cranberry Lip Balm Recipe

Homemade Recipe for lip balm made with fresh cranberries that will leave your lips soft and gives them a hint of color.


* 10 fresh cranberries

* 1 tbsp sweet almond oil

* 1 tsp honey

* 1 drop of Vitamin E oil


Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl.

Microwave for a couple of minutes or until the mixture just begins to boil. (Bowl may also be heated in a pan of water on a stovetop).

Stir well and gently crush the berries. Cool mixture for five minutes and then strain through a fine sieve to remove all the fruit pieces. Stir again and set aside to cool completely.

When cool, transfer into a small portable plastic container or tin.   Bookmark   Astrology   Chat Room   Classifieds   Computer   Downloads   Directory   Dating   Domain Tools   Education   eCards   Finance   Forums   Freelance Work   Free Hosting   Free Mail   Gallery   Games   Guest Book   Greeting Cards   Ham Radio   Health   Home Business   Hosting Tutorials   Hosting Directory   India   Jobs   Jokes   Kerala   Matrimonial   Music   Movies   News   News Letter   Recipes   Real Estate   Search   SMS   Tourist Guide   Top 100 Sites   Vote Us   Yellow Pages   Arthunkal Church   Site Map  
