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Beauty > Nail care > Manicure

How To Give Yourself A Manicure

Your nails need to be taken care of too. Giving your nails a manicure is a good way to take care of them and pamper them. Given below are the steps to achieve the perfect manicure at home.

1, To begin with remove all traces of your nail polish. Use as many cotton balls as needed.

2, Use a nail file or an emery board to shape your nails. File in one direction only. Do not use the seesaw motion. To shorten the nail, use the course side of the emery board first and finish with the finely textured side. Work on your nails carefully and with respect. Do not go overboard with your manicure.

3, To check if your nails are well done run your nails over a pair of old pantyhose.

4, Apply cuticle remover cream and gently push back the cuticles using a cotton bud. Never cut your cuticles. Massage away dead skin using circular movements.

5, Apply hand lotion and massage your palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will improve blood circulation. Work your way all over your hand and repeat with your other hand.

6, Before you paint your nails, clean them with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton and dipped in nail polish remover and rub over the surface of the nail. Remove any creamy residue, if there is none then you can polish your nails.

7, While polishing your nails being in the center of your nail. Paint one stroke down the center and then the sides of the nail. You should paint a nail in three strokes. Let it dry completely before applying the second coat.

8, Apply color after your nails are completely dry. Use a base coat before applying nail polish. Then apply a color of your choice and do not apply a new coat before the previous one dries. You should apply three coats of color. After applying color apply topcoat and it will give added protection and help your nail color to last longer without chipping.   Bookmark   Astrology   Chat Room   Classifieds   Computer   Downloads   Directory   Dating   Domain Tools   Education   eCards   Finance   Forums   Freelance Work   Free Hosting   Free Mail   Gallery   Games   Guest Book   Greeting Cards   Ham Radio   Health   Home Business   Hosting Tutorials   Hosting Directory   India   Jobs   Jokes   Kerala   Matrimonial   Music   Movies   News   News Letter   Recipes   Real Estate   Search   SMS   Tourist Guide   Top 100 Sites   Vote Us   Yellow Pages   Arthunkal Church   Site Map  
