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Beauty > Makeup > Moisturizer

How to Applay Moisturizer

Wash your face and any other problem areas in the shower gently with bare hands. This should take no more than a few seconds. Make sure you pat your face dry first, because if the skin is too wet, the cream will just slide right off your face. Most important, always apply moisturizer to a clean face with clean hands. For most people, one application in the morning and one at night should be good enough, but use common sense. If your skin feels taut or dry during the day, moisturize it.

Most people don’t need moisturizer on the nose. The nose has an extremely high concentration of oil glands that usually don’t need any extra encouragement.

Don’t forget about your neck. Stroke upward, so that you don’t pull the skin down. The neck is one of the least tended areas of the body. No matter how vigilant you are about moisturizing your face, if you forget about the neck, the contrast will be painfully obvious.

You don’t need a separate moisturizer for your neck, nor do you need a separate night cream. Admittedly, the thought of an overnight transformation can make night creams tempting. At the end of the day, our skin doesn’t really know the difference. There is no reason to use a heavier moisturizer at night. In fact, unless your skin is dry, you don’t need moisturizer at night at all. Give your skin a breather, and let your natural oils do their work overnight. If your day cream has sunscreen in it, use a separate night cream. At bed time, the sunscreen is not only unnecessary, it’s apt to irritate the skin if used around the clock.   Bookmark   Astrology   Chat Room   Classifieds   Computer   Downloads   Directory   Dating   Domain Tools   Education   eCards   Finance   Forums   Freelance Work   Free Hosting   Free Mail   Gallery   Games   Guest Book   Greeting Cards   Ham Radio   Health   Home Business   Hosting Tutorials   Hosting Directory   India   Jobs   Jokes   Kerala   Matrimonial   Music   Movies   News   News Letter   Recipes   Real Estate   Search   SMS   Tourist Guide   Top 100 Sites   Vote Us   Yellow Pages   Arthunkal Church   Site Map  
