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Beauty > Eye Care > Sunglasses

Why Should I Wear Sunglasses?

"Why the heck should I wear sunglasses" you ask? "They are too awkward" others may say. I'm telling you, wearing sunglasses can prevent a multitude of problems and this article will hopefully show you just that.

In this article I will discuss the four major benefits that wearing sunglasses carry, and in the process you will be able to decide whether or not they are worth their weight.

UV Protection ? I don't need to tell you the hazards of being exposed to UV rays for a prolonged period of time ?- But I will anyways. Cataracts and cancer of the eye are just a few of the major problems that can be caused by UV rays. By wearing sunglasses on bright days, and around reflective surfaces like water and bright snow, many of these problems can be completely avoided.

Safety ? Everyone always stresses the point of wearing safety glasses, and I agree. The problem is, not everyone remembers the benefits of wearing sunglass type safety glasses. You don't want to be in a sticky situation where the suns glare could force an accident!

Fashion ? Ok, so this one is a given ? By finding a pair of sunglasses that works well on your body style you may just decide to wear them forever. Seriously though; sunglasses have their place in social gatherings, and everybody knows somebody that looks great in shades. By testing different sunglasses out, you can too.

Performance ? Ever wonder why so many athletes wear sunglasses? I know I did until I found out about the different strengths that lens colors and technologies can have. Not only can lenses cut out glare, but many of them work well for varying types of sports. Some lens colors improve depth perception, while others work well in blocking out blue light.

Are those reasons enough for you? Get out that pocket book and head to your local fashion shop? You have a pair of sunglasses to buy!

Sunglasses - Lens Materials Found On Sunglasses ....

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